IZANAMI project

IZANAMI project

「IZANAMI project」は日本の伝統美を独自の視点で捉え、2018年2月 平昌オリンピック公式文化行事とし ての招聘を受け、日本人として唯一の舞台「MIYABI」を公演したプロ の演奏・ダンスパフォーマンス団体 です。
February 9th 2018, “MIYABI” was performed as a Pyeongchang Olympic official opening ceremony. We are the only japanese performance team which invited for the Pyeongchang Olympic official opening ceremony.

The new version of the stage is recreated by overall stage art director,Nami Noguchi. It is based on japanese beautiful culture, tradition, and also her original
worldview of Japanese beauty.

朝日、読売新聞社やYahoo!ニュースだけでなく、テレビではNHKの ニュース番組、テレビ朝日「モーニ ングショー」に大きく取り上げられ ました。
It was featured by the newspaper company Saitama, Asahi, Yomiuri and Yahoo! News. Also on the TV shows, NHK news and “Morning show” by TV Asahi.


< offer for any kinds of stages plans >
Not only for Japanese , but also we can perform at any kinds of places or institutions. We can offer the stage with different plans and different situations. Such as small live performance with few performers, music live performance only, full performance…etc
Feel free to contact us about stage plans.


「MIYABI」は日本の伝統と文化を 礎に演出された舞台ですので、訪日 外国人観光客や在日外国人の皆様に も大変喜ばれます。企業様や団体様 のインバウンド向けのイベント等にも十分対応が可能です。
<for foreign tourists>
Since “MIYABI” was created and based on Japanese traditions and cultures, this stage is mostly interested by foreign tourists or foreign people who living in Japan. We can offer our stages for companies or any kinds of groups.
We would love to offer our performance and make plans with us for your stage.